This is a picture of us in the kitchen preparing and below is a picture of the M&M pretzel things. My mom and I argued over what we should call them and she wanted to call them something cute, with Jen's name included in the title, and I thought we shouldn't worry about it. Now that I'm having to write out 'Jen's M&M pretzel things' every time I refer to them, I wish I had gone with the cutesy idea. If you think of anything we could call them let me know...and don't forget to include Jen's name in the title becau

My parents broke the news to me over the phone that our tree was yet again fake this year. Maybe you get a real tree every year or you've never known what it's like to have a real tree but ours was fake again this year, adding yet another tally mark to the fake tree list. We lit a candle for a pine scent and crossed our fingers that people wouldn't notice our imposter tree all lit up in the living room. I will admit though that it was a step up from the other fake tree that I grew up with. This one is full bodied and covered in white lights. Very classy and actually quite nice. I've come to accept it and have come to grips with the fact that I was only allowed a real tree for three short Christmases. But Christmas isn't about the tree, isn't that right Jen? I don't want to sound ungrateful about the tree so let me show you how beautiful the tree actually was...this is my favorite angle!
Before dinner some of us went to the putting practice holes to brush up on our skills (for those of you reading this who don't know, we live on a golf course, actually on hole 16, in Pinehurst, NC). It wasn't long before I was reminded that I don't have any. I've come to terms with that fact and have moved on. I think I was still in denial when this picture was taken. You would think
that someone who is twenty-three could putt better and straighter than a ten year old, but no, not me. My niece, Hollie, was far better at it than I. My dad and my nephew, Josh, were in shock over my lack of talent. Don't worry, I'm not going to let it get me down.
I hope that you all had an eventful Christmas full of fun times with your families and friends. I missed all of you who I didn't get to see this year, maybe 2006?
This will be my last Christmas post, probably, so............................until next year!!