I was working today and something famous happened...
Yup, David Elliot stopped by my Starbucks and I rang him up for his grande peppermint mocha. None of us recognized him and then I said 'you look really familiar to me' and then one of my co-workers said 'you're a guy from that TV show' and then David said 'JAG'. Needless to say, I still didn't get it but then it clicked. Yeah. I think my mom was the most excited about it.
WHOA!! did YOU make the peppermint mocha for him? or someone else? do you have famous people walk in all the time? hmm...you could blog about that too! oh, wait you just did! did you get an autograph for your mom (for Christmas of course?!) who will it be today? ;)
Ha ha...very funny! He's actually my first famous person. We get lots of people who work for the industry. One girl is an illustrator for the Simpsons and we have some stunt doubles and editors too. Its kind of the nature of the beast out here. And no, I didn't make his drink, just swiped his credit card. Another time.
you actually touched his card? cool!! so you did get his autograph then right? ;-)
Well, almost got his autograph. We don't make people sign unless its over 25 bucks. It was close though. He should be back because the service was great!!
bring me a figgy pudding!!!!
you deleted me???!!!???? how could you? what about my figgy pudding?? i will never use my powers for evil again
Deleted you? Porque.
How come Tim only gets to see people like David Hasselhoff (sp?) and Mickey Rooney?
ha ha...I don't know! Maybe because he works for a church :)
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