Monday, December 11, 2006

Most of you that read this blog probably don't listen to pop music much but there is this song on the radio called 'Boston' by Augustana and funny that it talks about moving to Boston and leaving California...its all over the radio and it seems that whenever I turn my radio on its playing. I told Kelsey about it and she sent me another song about Mass./Calif. and its just down right comical!
Still no answer on what will happen this summer but I have a feeling that I'll be giving you and answer soon. Stay tuned...sorry this post isn't very long. I hope its enough to hold you over Jen. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey it's just good to know that you are there! (in cyberspace I mean, not CA!) :)

Anonymous said...

AND...I am still not on your sidebar why not? hmmm....

Anonymous said...

Hey, I noticed that Mandy has this picture on her my space...! I also noticed that I am still not on your sidebar!?! and Dan's link doesn't work, check it out!! :) No I am not bossy, not me!! :)

Anonymous said...

um...Happy Birhtday!! :)